Driving Change

Education is closely linked to change. Education exists in a world of change and we need to prepare students to deal with change. Through our educational leadership professional development we give you the expertise you need in order to drive change at your school by promoting an ICT culture that will make an impact on student learning.


Value: $30

How to join today?

Choose from one of our two payment options today.

Achieving and Sustaining ICT Capability

Achieving the desired change is just not facilitated by an ICT policy or the inclusion of ICT in your school development plan. A key element in successfully achieving and sustaining is the establishment of a cycle of development where policy and whole school planning are put into practice.


Value: $30

Join the academy now

Build your capacity as a digital school leader today

Preparing your colleagues and yourself for a digital school

If change is to occur at your school, then it needs to start from the top. By learning how to be good role model to your colleagues and staff you can start this process. It also involves providing teacher quality professional learning opportunities in technology integration professional development.


Value: $30


Value: $10


  • How will I be charged for access to all of these courses?

    When you sign up, you will get immediate access to all training. Unless you cancel your subscription, you will then be automatically charged $50 (USD) per month. Your nominated payment method will be automatically deducted from once a month. You can cancel your subscription at any time from within your learning dashboard, but as soon as you cancel, you immediately cease to have access to all of your training.

  • Can I cancel my membership?

    Yes. You can cancel your membership yourself at ANY time from inside your own dashboard with no questions asked.

  • How do I access my training?

    The first time you click to purchase your Educational Leadership PD membership, you will need to sign up and create your own login details. As soon as you have paid your first $50 you will have full access. You will need to log in with your own log in details each time you access your training. It is recommended that you save the Educational Leadership PD to your favourites so that it is easy to find next time.

  • Do I get access to all of the training immediately, or is it drip-released?

    No. You can purchase the online courses individually for a one-off fee.

  • Will my monthly membership fee increase?

    Not if you stay a member. Although the membership price does increase every year to reflect the huge additions of courses to the member's area, all existing members maintain their access at the same price FOR LIFE (as long as you don't cancel), and the price increases will only apply to new subscribers. If you cancel, you are then considered a 'new' member again and if the price has increased, your monthly membership fee would reflect the most up to date pricing. If you do not cancel, your monthly membership fee will be honoured for as long as you maintain the payments and include all future upgrades at no extra costs.

  • Will I get new courses and content?

    Yes. All members will have new courses and content automatically added to their member dashboard at no extra cost to their monthly subscription. New courses are not released monthly, however.